Rude Awakening
I went for brunch yesterday with my aunt at a restaurant nearby and encountered the ugly side of human beings. My aunt stood up to walk to the stalls to order some food and some joker took her chair away and put it at his table. This was done while she was still standing next to the chair and asking me what i wanted to eat. At first i thought that he was taking an extra chair, but i found out later that he actually took my aunt's chair. Too bad i didn't know that at the time cause i would certainly have given him a piece of my mind.
Today, i went for breakfast at another restaurant nearby with my aunt and encountered yet another episode of rude behaviour. The restaurant was full so we walked to a big table but was only taken up by an guy and his son thinking that we could share the big table as there was only the two of us and the two of them. My aunt said "excuse me" twice or three times but the guy only looked down at his food and continued eating, totally ignoring us. I dont know about you people but i find that really rude. Some would argue that maybe he's deaf and couldn't hear my aunt. He could be deaf but he certainly wasn't blind. We were standing right opposite him trying to get his attention.
If these two guys were children, the question that would pop up in your mind is "your parents didn't teach you ar?". Maybe their parents really neglected to teach them some courtesy and respect to others. Some kids you see nowadays are really rude. They shout at their parents when things dont go their way. Somehow, their parents think that it's cool and doesn't warrant some sort of reprimand. Maybe it's the new style of parenting, but i believe the old rotan style is much more effective in instilling discipline and good manners into your kids.
I had Taiwan mee for lunch on Monday and the amount of mee given in the 'small' bowl has really shrunk a lot compared to the last time i ate it. After finishing the bowl of mee, i wasn't even half full. I had to order another 'small' bowl of Taiwan mee to make myself considerably full. To show you how much smaller the portion has become over the years, i could finish my barley drink and a bowl of cendol after the two bowls of Taiwan mee (Cendol was at another place in Jonker Street, and no, it's not the shop in the middle of Jonker Street which has damn thick gula Melaka. It's too sweet for my liking. I found a better place at the beginning of Jonker Street) Maybe in the future, i shall just order a 'big' bowl of Taiwan mee and hope that it would make me at least 1/2 full.