Bitchings Galore!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Siew Har's Farewell Satay Celup Dinner

We had satay celup for dinner last night at Siew Har's place. It's some sort of farewell thingy for her cause she'll be leaving for Singapore (which is a short 4+ hours away from Malacca) soon. My sister and i were late because we had to finish our share of housework first before going. I picked Midori up on the way and we reached Siew Har's place at about 7:45pm (i think). We werent the last to arrive because Yen Mao was a few seconds later than us. Muahahahaha.

When we arrived, everyone was already happily eating their satay celup. The eating session went on till about 8:45pm when everyone started to get thirsty from all the yummy satay celup kuah. We then shifted to the dining table to get our cold barley drinks and to make fun of Yen Mao's stained t-shirt. It was stained at the right nipple area so we happily assumed that he was lactating. We dont know what Choo is so excited about because he was laughing ever so hysterically. Anyway, the person in the limelight at the moment is Allen. Many questions were posed to him and many were left unanswered. He's still coy about something but sooner or later we'll get the answers we want.

At about 10pm, we started to watch Hard Gay. It's some Japanese comedy and it's hilarious. You could find the link to an episode in Midori's blog. She searched for it on Youtube after watching some episodes yesterday. We had to stop watching after a while because Siew Har's uncle and aunt came bringing along their children and Hard Gay is hardly (no pun intended) a show u want kids to watch. I think it's also a little too much for Siew Har. Wahahahahaha. She's so innocent and blur, she makes the perfect prey during mamak sessions with the gang. We also took a few photos while watching Hard Gay. Perfect way to make me smile i guess.


After turning off Hard Gay, we watched Arsenal v Aston Villa on ESPN. Due to some objections by the non-football-watching crowd (they seriously dont know what they are missing man), we had to change the channel to some music channel i think. We had sliced rambutans and ice cream for dessert but before long, we started the second round of our satay celup session. Yes, we can really eat. I hope i've put on some extra weight after all those food. Then i tried to copy Stella's photo pose but it came out horribly bad.


I wonder what will my sister say when she sees this picture. Judging from her comment in my last post, i'll take a wild guess and say that she would probably say "fuhyoh...Siew Har oso minat u man...pengsan!~". Ahhh, some shallow comments right there but i wont be surprised if it's true.


Anyway, the night ended in a very interesting note. Allen unknowingly parked his car in a spot which Siew Har's neighbour normally parks. So, the neighbour was damn kuai lan and parked his car right behind Allen's car, blocking him from reversing out. I parked my car beside Allen's car and thankfully the neighbour didnt block both our cars. So, after reversing my car out, we tried to manoeuver Allen's car out through the gap that my car vacated. Unfortunately, a stupid palm tree blocked his car so we had to carry his car and move it away from the palm tree to reverse out. It took about 6 guys to move the back end of his car and that was the first time i actually carried a car. Wow. Luckily Gary was around. The guy damn kuat sial. Finally, after all that, Allen managed to get his car out from that blocked place. The stupid neightbour could have at least shown some common sense and understanding. Bangang betul.

The car carrying activity took the wind out of all of us and everyone went back after that. Muchas gracias to Siew Har for a delicious satay celup. Hope you would reconsider and come to KL to work because we need a housemate who can cook. Muahahahahaha!


At 12:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

woi, u look like you were forced to smile lah. worse, smile like spastic only. pengsan.

allen smiles better than you. heck all of the guys in the pic smiles better than you.

At 12:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wahahahahaha....i told smile damn teruk wan...that's the only picture that Siew Har gave me i had no other picture to choose from....wahahahahahha

At 2:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

be more confident a bit bah when u smile.. *GRINNNNNN*

like that, hoOooooOooO!

btw, i look horrid in the pic as well..

i oso want siew har as my housemate!!! i want sliced rambutans everyday! heh

At 1:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahaha....u ppl make me feel so touched mann...

Jade: we also think that his smile is's time for him to practise more time must check on his smile before taking photos..hehehe..

Glenn: Although it's just 4+ hours away from mlk, i still feel sad to leave you ppl ok. Now even worse, make me meet up with u guys so often somemore. i just wonder whether i can get used to the life there. *sob, sob, sob*

Midori: hahahaha..that's my way of eating rambutan. since u love it so much, i'll sprecially prepare more for you when i'm back k? hope you'll think of me each time u eat rambutan..hehehhee...

At 7:26 pm, Blogger Wong Jade Yenn said...

wei i oso wan slice rambutan!!! haha..yala kor..ur smile ah..habis man. Rosakkan the picture onie..aiks.

At 1:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwww...! so terharu! of coz i'll think of u when i eat rambutans aka hairy lychees. hehe

shierr... now aku plak yang sedih ur leaving for singapore.. *pouts*


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