Bitchings Galore!

Monday, March 20, 2006

No Joking Matter

You know how you used to tease your friends who had just got their driving licenses? You know how you used to act afraid when you sit in their cars for the first time? You know how you used to say "Dowan la. You just passed one. I damn scared la." when they offer you a ride in their cars? Well, now it seems that this is no more a joking matter. I sat in my sister's car for the first time ever today. I came back and told my dad that he should try sitting in her car, pretty scary experience. Somehow or another, she didnt get the joke. Suddenly, she snapped at me and got all defensive. Telling me that next time i shouldnt sit in her car anymore. Whoa whoa whoa. What's up with all these? I thought it was normal to say these kinda things about drivers who just got their licenses. I used to get teased too when i just started learning. People say that i drive dangerously and that i'm having a lesen kopi. In fact my mom didnt even dare sit in my car for the first 2 years after i got my license. She kept saying that i'm still new and she thinks its scary. Well, i didnt get upset by that. I mean it's fine by me if you dont want to sit in my car. I wont get myself worked up with all these petty stuff. Just not worth my time and effort.

I just dont get my sister. Why is driving such a sensitive issue to her? She says that if everyone keeps saying that her driving is bad, my mom wont let her drive anymore. That's just silly, worrying about things like that because she already has a car to drive. Nobody is going to stop you from driving, unless the police revoke you license la. That's a different story altogether. My aunts told her that they are afraid to sit in her car and she said next time dont ask her to send them anywhere. Get this, when you are new, surely people will be apprehensive about sitting in your car. It's human nature to be nervous and apprehensive about something new. It's because they dont know much about this new thing and they need some time to get adjusted to it.

I think she should just relax and dont think so much about her driving. You will get jokes, comments, criticisms, advises, and teasing in every part of your life. You can keep the important ones and let the others slide or you can keep them all in your heart and keep thinking about them. The former will enable you to improve yourself while the latter will leave you miserable with all the rojak going on in your head. My advise is this "Kita hidup mesti sempoi." Sempoi and enjoy your life but you also have to focus and concentrate on the important things in life. Some people think that i sempoi too much and the tidak apa attitude is not a good attitude. I know i look like i'm just sempoing around without anything to worry about but I just want to let you know that although i sempoi around, i still know when it's time to be serious. When it's time to study, i'll study. When it's time to play, i'll play. But then again, i think i'm more serious when it comes to sports. I play to win and not just for the fun of it. There's this competitive side of me when it comes to sports. Sadly, it's kinda lacking when it comes to my studies. Although i'm doing pretty ok in my studies, i think i could do better if i have the same drive and motivation as i have in sports.


At 7:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sigh~ the driving again~..i dun mind u telling me..but dun go telling mummy la..she aready no confident in me driving, somme have to go under pak cik yaacob..even pak cik says i drive better than her ok? if u tell mummy i drive so scarry..mampoi le i have to go under pak cik again~ sigh~

At 9:17 pm, Blogger J*my said... will be ok one lar jade yenn.. no dad also constantly say my driving no good...i speed lar, yellow light must stop and not step on oil pedal somemore etc etc..( in fact he drives more faster than me and even stepped on the gas when the light turn yellow)...bla bla bla... my mum did give frequent remarks at first but she got used to my driving as i had to be her chaffeur since my dad is "too busy"...ekkekeke..all are like that one lar at first! =)

At 10:42 pm, Blogger thelinkinparkster said...

HAHaha... this sure reminds me of the time when i had successfully obtained my driving license.... I had to undergo my dad's driving tests.. for at least another 3 months and after that.... I wasnt allowed to drive alone yet.... My dad will get his driver to be by my side whenever I drove and the funny thing was that he just couldnt get his hands off the handbreak.... and whenever he felt that I'm not pressing the brakes soon enough.. he'll pull the handbreaks which had always brought my car to a screeching halt. But then again...till today my dad still behaves like a driving instructor whenever I drive him around. He wouldnt want anything to happen to his precious cars...

But, I turn out alright.. didnt driving skills I mean.

P/s: Dont judge my driving skills by looking at the condition of my car man... it's not my fault really...


At 11:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so wats new about sister snapping at their brothers?? biasalah kawan...

At 12:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, everyone has their fair share of driving stories. When you start driving, you'll surely kena kutuk from everybody. You cant escape that and then you learn from all those kutukan. I think the hardest to convince are the parents. Like i've said, my mom didnt even dare sit in my car for the first 2 years. Looking at Jamie and Audrey's stories, they also had a hard time convincing their parents of their driving skills but after a while, it'll all be fine.

At 3:48 pm, Blogger -m- said...


my mummy said:
- i drive too fast
- i don't use the break when cornering
- my driving makes her head spin like crazy

my brother said:
- he could drive better than i with his eyes closed
- i drive too slow

my sister said:
- well nothing much. she knows nuts about driving =)

daryl said:
- i'm a typical woman driver. (blahks that pig! he seriously doesn't trust my driving skills. even now!!)

to me driving skills come with experience. the more u drive, the better u get. i have to admit i really did suck at driving when i first got my license. tak tentu sial. *lol* but now! *ahem ahem* i'm goooooooooooood! aaaaaaand safe! *grins*

At 11:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My bf still say I drive like shiet. And I've been driving for almost 10 years. He only lets me drive him when he's drunk or when he's really tired. My dad holds the car hand-bar tightly when I drive his car. Teruk right?

Sigh. The guys in your family would always say that you drive terribly, with one exception. My bro who is too lazy to drive. Lazy fucker always don't want to drive.

Just let the comments slide. At least I sat in your car that day, right Yenn? Even before you got your driving license.

At 11:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my driving skills improve ad..dun believe ask ee net lar...she says SO! but ermm..when i drive with kor kor or dad or whoever who likes to make noise..den i become nervous lar.

At 11:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

U dun drive like shiet my dear. u drive like crazy woman only =P. Of cos guys r better drivers. can u make it from TTDI to Klang in 15mins, huh, huh? it should have been 10mins if not 4 de stupid traffic lights, damn. muahahahaha

At 11:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and u watch ur language. or somebody gonna get hurt real bad....somebody....

At 4:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah betul, i memang lazy. Muahahahahahaha!

But if i'm in a good mood then i'll drive la. My aunts say that i drive very fast and very scary. Hahaha. I admit, i memang drive fast, but safe la.

At 11:19 pm, Blogger -m- said...

Glenn, u should see the way stella drives sial! That's some scary shit man i kid u not! =)


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