Bitchings Galore!

Thursday, March 02, 2006


I went to class earlier than usual today. I was lucky that the previous class had ended and there were only a few students discussing some class/homework with their lecturer at the front of the classroom. So i was minding my own business sitting at the back of the classroom when i overheard this conversation:

Lecturer: Why didn't you do your homework?
Student: I don't have graph paper.

To me, that is one of the stupidest excuses i've ever heard in my entire life. It's like one of those "my dog ate my homework" excuses. I was tempted to shout "buy la, stupid!" to the bloke but the lecturer beat me to it, although she said it in a much nicer way. I guess the only good thing about this is that he was being honest. He probably didnt know where the nearest stationery shop is. He's probably too shy to ask somebody for directions to the nearest stationery shop. He probably hasn't even heard of Jusco or he probably didnt have any friends who have graph papers. But my guess is that he's just a dumbass who couldn't be bothered to look for a graph paper to do his homework.

Speaking of dumbass, i miss hearing Red scold everyone that in That 70's Show. I wonder when will it be back on Star World. Sigh...


At 3:30 pm, Blogger -m- said...


what an excuse.


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